The future of smart technologies in the construction industry is here
The Emergency Shelter product used in the field of emergency accommodation and primary accommodation after an accident is the first product of Paradis company.
This system is also connected to the global crisis management infrastructure through the connection to the smart home infrastructure.
?Why should you choose an Emergency Shelter system
?Are you ready to ride in a car without an airbag
?What kind of security system is your home or workplace equipped with and respond to what kind of accidents
?To what extent do you know about the problems and disasters after natural disasters and how dangerous do you consider the used buildings
?Do you know the value of retrofitting your property against most of the accidents that happened in the last 5 years to what percentage of its total cost
?In your opinion, how necessary is the existence of a safety system against accidents for buildings, especially tall buildings
?What kind of preparation or reaction do you and your family have at the time of an accident

Investigating the features of the Emergency Shelter system
The system is a type of soft robot that is placed on the level of the interior space, especially the false ceiling, and is activated for emergency moments such as natural and unnatural accidents such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, fires, bombings and armed vandals, etc. The title is a safe shelter that protects human life.
The establishment of a jump in the Emergency Shelter
The emergency shelter system has the possibility of sheltering without spending time to travel to the system position, because it is enough for a person to benefit from all the structural resistance of the system in the initial defensive state with one jump, and then by reaching the final defensive state Use without injury and stress caused by wasting time.

Experience tomorrow’s technology today!
A system that can be compactly placed on the visible surfaces or inside the false surfaces of any type of space for various uses and in the required number, with a maximum dimension of 50 cubic centimeters; to expand people in front of any unexpected factor that causes any destruction of the space in at least 1 second and according to the type of space and its use in 2 defensive modes
primary (cylindrical)
Final defensive mode (spherical)
Expand with a minimum dimension of 2 cubic meters.
Emergency shelter is very necessary for human life against accidents
About us
The initial idea of the formation of this project came from the tragic experience of the Bam earthquake and the proximity to the birthplace of the inventor, Kermani, who closely witnessed the severity and relentlessness of the accident at the time of occurrence (even to the extent of a suitable shelter) and the difficulties of crisis management and relief after that. It originated from the fact that gradually starting the research and operationalizing various experimental samples led to the registration of declaration in 2014. After about 4 years of arbitration along with the elimination of doubts and technical defects by Amirkabir University in the fall of 2019, the final registration of the patent was achieved so that we can continue on the path with the Paradise team in order to achieve the goal of reducing construction damage caused by accidents
Architecture PhD student
Active in the field of responsive and resilient architecture, especially in the field of temporary accommodation, crisis management and human settlement
Mustafa Taghizadeh
Master’s student in artificial intelligence and robotics
Active in the field of designing and implementing artificial intelligence and robotics systems used in smart homes

Shahla Mohseni
Entrepreneurship PhD
Active in the field of technology management and human resources, environment and local development and cultural and international relations
Master’s student in business administration, majoring in marketing
Ashkan Motamed
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Address: Tehran, Ferdous Sharq Blvd., End, South Ebrahimi St., 19th St., Natural Disaster Research Institute
Phone: 02122301022 /09303668088