The researches and testing of various samples led to the registration of the application in 2015 and after 5 years of arbitration along with the elimination of doubts and technical defects by “Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnique)” in 2020, the final registration of the invention was achieved.
So that we can continue our path in the form of “Paradise Laboratory” with the aim of reducing injuries from unexpected accidents in the transportation industry and tall buildings.

Safe and fast

Available everywhere

Suitable for everyone

Necessary to save life


emergency shelter system is a new type of air bag that accommodates the whole body due to its integrated and egg-shaped design and can be used in the interior cabin of most vehicles and even in the interior of all kinds of buildings, so there is hope against external factors to save people’s lives in the initial golden moments of accidents and after that until the arrival of rescue forces.


The initial idea of this design is inspired by 2 aspects:

The accident of September 11, which is the common denominator of unexpected, combined accidents for vehicles and tall buildings

The tragic experience of the 2003 Bam earthquake by the inventor of Kerman, who has closely witnessed the severity and intensity of the accident at the moment of its occurrence and the hardships of crisis management and relief after that.

برخی از مشتریان ما


Mustafa Taghizadeh
Mustafa TaghizadehCEO
Architecture PhD student

Active in the field of responsive and resilient architecture, especially in the field of temporary accommodation, crisis management and human settlement

Shahla Mohseni
Shahla MohseniAdministration Manager
Master’s student in artificial intelligence and robotics

Active in the field of designing and implementing artificial intelligence and robotics systems used in smart homes

Kaveh Farhadi
Kaveh FarhadiManager of entrepreneurship and Commercialization
Entrepreneurship PhD

Active in the field of technology management and human resources, environment and local development and cultural and international relations

Ashkan Motamed
Ashkan MotamedBusiness and Marketing Manager
Master’s student in business administration, majoring in marketing